Scan on Demand

Securely scanning your documents

Same day digital delivery

Perhaps you don’t fancy leafing through hundreds of pages for the information you need. Perhaps you want to share a document across floors, offices, or even countries. Whatever the reason, you know that digital copies of your records are terribly useful. Which is why we designed our Scan on Demand service to save you time, money, and space.

How we solve your problems

Paperlite Vs paperless

Avoid unnecessary digitisation and save you money

Secure delivery

Encrypted delivery protects your data from prying eyes

Same day delivery

Fast, efficient, same day delivery for your business needs

Paperlite Vs paperless

Restore Records Management Scan on Demand is a document scanning service with a difference. We won’t push you to scan your entire inventory (though our bank balance would thank us if we did). Instead, our Relentlessly Resourceful team will help you determine which records are worth digitising. These might be records you need available to multiple locations, records you access regularly, or records you might need urgently. The point is, that our focus is on getting you the most for your investment and saving money by avoiding unnecessary digitisation. And, of course, your records never stop recording. That’s why “on Demand” is as important as “Scan”; you need to be able to request same-day, careful, accurate scans when you need them, don’t you? Yes, you read that right: same-day.

Same day scans

Your paper records are precious. They can also be messy. Perhaps they’re filled with exotic wonders like staples, post-it notes, and out-sized pages. Perhaps they’re more battered than your local chippy’s sausage, with tears and folds aplenty.

With 22 million boxes of records in our care, we’ve learnt a thing or two about handling records. So, whether your records are pristine stacks of A4 or ye olde, delicate parchments, you can rest easy knowing we’ll prepare them for scanning with utmost care.


(Full disclosure: we don’t get many calls for storing parchment these days.)
Our scanning facilities are pretty nifty. They can even apply cutting-edge Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology if you want it, letting you search the resulting file for specific words, phrases, or references without needing to scroll through countless pages.


Once the scan is complete, we’ll classify the file using the criteria you gave us and send it to you via secure email or secure cloud platform (secure carrier pigeon has been discontinued). We’ll even make sure the file can be uploaded into any Document Management System you’re using.


And all this careful scanning doesn’t mean slow delivery. It happens on the same day you request it. Within reason, of course. Order a scan at 16:59 and even our speediest scanner might struggle.”

"Restore Records Management helped us to identify the records which are most frequently requested. This helped us drive efficiencies in our service, provide long-term cost savings but most importantly to support our vision to deliver a more efficient, fully digital property market"

”Eve Foster, Central Operations Manager at HM Land Registry"

Keep or delete

If you want to keep your record after it’s been scanned, our team will carefully put back everything as they found it and tuck your records away, ready for when you next need it.


But if you don’t want to hang on to the record anymore, we’ll make it disappear.


Almost literally. We securely destroy it so thoroughly that the only trace remaining will be the certificate of destruction. Which looks lovely on a wall, but will probably look better in your audit trail.

"I knew Restore was the company for Logoplaste to use. The range of services, the technology for tracking and auditing our records (no more lists or stickers), the high level of security at every stage so there were no gaps in the handling of our data, were exactly what I was looking for"

Ashleigh Garrity Walker, HR Generalist at Logoplaste

You demand we scan

If you’re ready to get started with document digitisation, we’re ready to help. Get in touch with one of our Relentlessly Resourceful team members who will listen to your needs and put together a personalised plan to get you started on your digital journey.

For more information on Scan on Demand or a quote please complete the contact form below or call us on: 0330 037 6323

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