Secure and confidential destruction of hard drives and media

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With Restore Datashred hard drive destruction, which shreds down to 4mm fragments, you’ll know that your confidential information is completely unrecoverable and destroyed, with an unbroken chain of custody throughout.

Together with our sister business, Harrow Green, who are relocation experts, we can take the logistical challenges and sheer hard labour of moving off your hands, all the while ensuring the security of your business’ data and office environment.

Many businesses stockpile hard drives. Unfortunately, as long as they exist, there’s a chance that the contents can be recovered, and your data could be abused.

The fact is, it’s still possible to retrieve data from severely damaged hard drives. But we are here to help.

hard drive destruction

Why choose Restore Datashred?

We’re rated ‘Excellent’

You’ll also be working with an accredited data destruction company and everything you’d expect from the only shredding company voted ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot.

The highest standards

Carrying full ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 accreditation, you can rest assured, knowing we protect what matters. We guarantee full compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and work to the best environmental standards.

Take an audited approach

Failing to securely dispose of confidential materials could mean non-compliance with data protection regulations, leaving you exposed to potential data breaches and hefty fines. But with a certificate of destruction after every transaction, you’ll have an audit trail that proves the data has been destroyed correctly.

Get in touch for a quote

Find out more about our cost-effective services and get a quick quote. Get in touch with us via our form or give us a call on 0800 376 4422.

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0800 376 4422