

The Benefits of Digitisation for the NHS

Clinical pathways are evidence-based plans that guide the diagnosis, treatment and management of patients with specific conditions.

They aim to improve the quality and efficiency of care by reducing variation, optimising outcomes and minimising costs. However, many clinical pathways are still paper-based, fragmented and inconsistent across different settings and providers. This limits their effectiveness and creates challenges for patients, clinicians and managers.

Digital technologies enabling digitisation of clinical pathways

Digital technologies offer a promising solution to overcome these limitations and transform clinical pathways into more integrated, personalised and responsive systems of care. Digitisation of clinical pathways involves using digital tools and platforms to follow and support patients throughout their healthcare journeys, from prevention and early detection to diagnosis, treatment, recovery and follow-up³.

Some examples of these are:

  • Electronic health records (EHRs) that store and share patient data across different providers and settings, facilitating coordination and continuity of care⁴
  • Remote monitoring devices that collect and transmit patient data in real time, enabling early intervention, self-management and telehealth services¹
  • Decision support systems that provide evidence-based guidance and recommendations to clinicians and patients, enhancing clinical decision making and adherence to best practices⁴
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics that analyse large amounts of data to generate insights, predictions and personalised care plans for patients²
  • Digital platforms that connect patients with clinicians and other stakeholders, such as 111 online, NHS App, NHS login, etc., improving access, communication and engagement²
Our experts can help access the data in both paper and digital silos, unlocking its potential and allowing it to be evaluated to minimise risk. We do this by collaborating with our partners to surface information, help categorise and classify it and then, where appropriate, dispose of it.

The benefits of digitisation of clinical pathways are huge

For patients, digitisation can improve their health outcomes, satisfaction and experience of care by providing them with more convenient, timely and tailored services. For clinicians, it can enhance their productivity, performance and professional development by reducing their workload, improving their workflow and supporting their learning. For managers, it can increase the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the health system by optimising the use of resources, reducing waste and variation, and enabling continuous improvement¹²³⁴.

However, digitisation of clinical pathways also poses some challenges and risks that need to be addressed. These include ensuring the quality, security and interoperability of data; protecting the privacy and consent of patients; maintaining the trust and relationship between patients and clinicians; ensuring the safety, reliability and accountability of digital technologies; developing the digital skills and capabilities of the workforce; and aligning the incentives and governance structures of the health system²⁴.

Digitisation of clinical pathways is a key enabler for transforming health services in the digital age. It has the potential to deliver better care for patients, better support for clinicians and better value for managers. However, it also requires careful planning, implementation and evaluation to ensure its success.

Why is clinical compliance so important?

Restore Digital has addressed these challenges by ensuring our scanning processes and electronic document management offering, EDMonline™ are compliant with the requirements of the NHS Clinical Information Standard DCB01296. This sits alongside our compliance to the NHS DSP Toolkit7. Together with our proven experience in digitising patient records these make us the ideal partner when a Trust is in the process of scoping its digital transformation programme

EDMonline™ is our secure document management solution

From Healthcare to the Financial Services sectors, EDMonline™ can transform document management for your business too. We understand the regulatory landscape of multiple sectors, helping you achieve a digital transformation that not only drives your organisation forward, but maintains patient safety too.

Learn more


(1) About Digital Care Pathways — The Clinician.

(2) Digitisation Along the Patient Pathway in Hospitals – QUT.

(3) A plan for digital health and social care – GOV.UK.

(4) Putting data, digital and tech at the heart of transforming the NHS.

(5) Debashish Das – DigitalHealth.London.

(6) DCB0129: Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Manufacture of Health IT Systems – DCB0129: Clinical Risk Management: its Application in the Manufacture of Health IT Systems – NHS Digital

(7) Data Security and Protection Toolkit Data Security and Protection Toolkit (

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